
Service in a snap!

Axis has implemented our specialized asset tags with our unique service and support QR codes. These QR codes streamline the process of requesting service and toner for all of our customers by eliminating an email or phone call to us, giving you back valuable time in your day.

Need To Place A Service Call Or Toner Request? Simply open the camera on your phone or mobile device and find the QR code on your screen.
Tap the QR code and it will prompt you to open our form on your browser.
Tap on the prompt and once you are in your bowser you will see that it has auto populated your Asset ID as well as additional information about the device.
Select the type of service of you require.
Once your specialized service has been selected fill out the form in its entirety and press the green "Submit" button at the bottom.
If we don’t have any questions or need additional information your order/service call/or meter submission will have been received and entered into our systems. If we do need clarification on something you will receive a call or email from us.
Take a moment and test the QR code technology out here:

There is no more hassle trying to locate the device equipment number, ID, or location to place a service call or supply order.
If your company is not receiving this kind of support and service, please reach out to us so that we can implement this process for you!

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